Monday, January 29, 2007

Almost Here

The big day is almost here. Tuesday afternoon Wendy goes in for the scheduled C-section and the birth of our second child, Ethan Luke. We are excited about this but know that some big changes are in store as well. We think Seth is excited, but still a little confused about everything that's going on. We know that he will enjoy having his little brother around, it's just going to take him some time to get used to it. I know he can though.
We had another good weekend this past weekend. Hopefully, this is the last weekend that I will have to travel by myself. It certainly was different. I enjoy having my family with me as we travel and meet all the new people the Lord has for us to meet. We will take a couple of weeks at home to begin adjustments and then we will hit the road again. Please be in prayer for us tomorrow and rest assured that just as soon as I am able to post pictures I will.

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