Friday, August 31, 2007

Modern Day Headlines

I found these in a church bulletin recently and thought I would share them with you.  They give a pretty good idea of how Biblical events would be reported today.  I thought they were funny and thought they may be a good way to brighten your day.  I hope that you enjoy them.


On Red Sea Crossing:


Pursuing Environmentalist Killed


On David vs Goliath:


Psychologist Questions Influence of Rock


On the Birth of Christ:


Activists Enraged by Insensitive Couple


On feeding the 5,000:


Disciples Mystified over Behavior


On raising Lazarus from the dead:


Will Reading Delayed

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Never Before

I heard of this quote made by a missionary in Africa and thought I would share it with you all.  Never before have so many people relied on so few for so much.  He was speaking of the great number of people that are in need of the Gospel and how there are so few willing to take it to them.  We must be busy.  The harvest truly is great, but where are the labourers?


Monday, August 13, 2007

A Good Day

I trust that you all had a good day on the Lord’s day yesterday.  I know that our family did.  We were at a couple of churches in the north Georgia area.  The Lord blessed in both services and we had a great time.  One of the interesting things from yesterday morning is that the church we were with is only about four years old.  You see, in Blue Ridge, GA, there was not a solid fundamental, independent Baptist Church.  The Lord laid it upon the heart of Bro. Rusty Thomas to go and start one and that is what he did. There were people from Blue Ridge driving nearly 45 minutes to go to a fundamental Baptist Church. Now, they have one in their community.  It is hard for many of us to fathom that there are places even in the south, in the Bible Belt, that stand in need of churches.  No doubt one such area is southern Louisiana.  Let’s pray that the Lord will get our family there as quickly as possible that we might be busy with the work that He has called us to.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Parenthood 101

I saw something today that left me rather disturbed.  Seth and I had to run to the local grocery store for a few things this afternoon.  I know that it’s hot everywhere, but it is just sweltering here in Covington.  I think the temperature was 99 with a heat index of 105.  Not the kind of weather you want to spend much time in.  As we get ready to go in the grocery store, a little girl, probably around 9 years old, asks me if I would like to buy a raffle ticket.  Choosing not to waste my money, I politely told her no.  I did notice though, that there were no adults around her.  Seemingly no one there watching her.  I promise you, in today’s times, I try my very best not to let my children out of my sight for one second.  There are simply too many evils lurking around us.  As we finished our shopping and left, there was a young boy now stationed at the exit door.  Again, probably 10 or 11, hawking raffle tickets.  Once again, I politely declined and looked for his parent or guardian.  I saw no one.  Finally, as I was walking across the parking lot, I turned back around to see a woman parked in the fire lane of the grocery store, windows rolled up, air conditioning no doubt running, watching the kids.  Apparently she was their “guardian”.  Can I say how sorry this is?  As a parent, don’t send your kids out in the heat to try and sell raffle tickets if you aren’t willing to get out there with them.  Apparently it was too hot for her to be outside, but not to make her kids be outside.  I found this horrible.  If I am not willing to do something, I should not expect my children to do it.  Children are a gift from God and they should be treated as such.

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's In The Book

Many times we seem to be intimidated to preach about money.  With so many televangelists and crooked “preachers” out there, we seem to be afraid that if we mention money we will be lumped in with them.  I think the question to ask, when considering should we preach about money, is this “Is it in the Bible?”  I was given these statistics the other day and found them quite astounding to be honest.  I have not personally checked these to confirm their accuracy, but the source from which they came was reliable, so I have no reason not to believe them. 


Think about these statistics:

16 of 38 parables are about money

There are about 500 verses in the Bible on Prayer.

There are less than 500 verses in the Bible on Faith.

There are more than 2350 verses in the Bible on Money.

I guess this definitely answers the question “Is it in the Bible?”  Yes it is.  It is obvious that it takes money to do the work of God.  I get the feeling that many of the churches that we visit think that all we are concerned with is money.  No, that is not our only concern.  We also need your prayers.  However, we would be foolish to think that it does not take money to accomplish things for the Lord.  We must have money, just like anyone else must have it to live on.  Should we be intimidated and afraid to preach on giving?  I say absolutely not.  If we are to preach the whole counsel of Scripture, than that is a part of it just like any other. 


Thursday, August 02, 2007


It’s Thursday and I can report to you that we are quite excited.  Today kicks off a month that we are calling Awesome August at Canaan, our home church.  The church has moved its mid-week services to Thursday night for this entire month.  We will also have revival meeting the third week of the month.  I just know it is going to be great.  I don’t know about you, but my heart yearns for revival.  I know I need it.  I pray that the Lord will send revival to me.  In all honesty, we all could use revival.  The problem is that many of us don’t realize we need it or we just don’t want it.  What a mighty army of believers that could be raised up to reach our world with the Gospel if only true revival would break out across our land.  It would be unseen what could be accomplished for the Lord.  I challenge you today to pray for revival.  Not just in your heart, but in mine as well.