Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pray for Protection

I know that many of you have been watching the weather and the intense storm that is approaching south Louisiana. May I beg you to please pray for the protecting hand of God during all of this for those folks? This is not looking good. Please join me in praying for the area, that the Lord would watch over them and protect them.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Exciting Times

I must confess, I am a political junkie. I love politics, especially presidential politics. This time of the year is so interesting to watch. I enjoy watching all the maneuvering and positioning that everyone does. I confess, I even watched the Democratic Convention, nearly every night. I look forward to next week and the Republican Convention. This is truly an historic election. I don't go around telling folks how to vote. I only want to encourage you to pray and vote as you feel the Lord would have you to.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Awesome Thought

In the past month or so, we have had a number of people email and write us to let us know that they are praying for us. What an awesome thought, to know that people are praying for our family. I have even had people that I have never met email me to let me know that they are praying that God would get us to the field. I don’t ever want to take lightly that Christians would care enough to pray for us. Thank you all for the prayers that have been offered up on our behalf. We need it. We are so close, we just need you to continue praying that God would send in the remaining few churches so that we can be on our way.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Time Flies

It’s hard to believe it has been so long since I posted.  I know that is a pattern for me.  I am still trying to get in the habit of writing more often.  I did want to drop a quick note to let you know that since our last update, we have had a couple of new churches take us on and still have promises from several more.  PLEASE help us pray that we would see the churches we need take us on soon.  We are so close.  I feel like the Lord is working on our behalf.  We are trusting the Lord to send in these last few churches.  I know that He can do it.  God can do all things.  Please help us pray.