Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Are You A Practicing Atheist?

This morning, I heard a message that dealt with a sin that so many of us are guilty of, yet we do little to try and hide it.  It is the sin of worry.  Yes, it is a sin to worry.  In this message, the preacher made the following statement that really caught my attention and I thought it might make you think as well.  He said, Many of us are not professing atheist but we are practicing atheist.  We do not say there is no God, we only live like it.  What great truth this is.  We would never say that there is not a God, yet when we worry if He is able to keep His Word, or meet or needs, that is exactly what we are doing.  We become practicing atheists.  May we strive and determine to trust Him.  As my pastor often says, Even when you can’t track Him, trust Him.


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