Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What Are We Here For?

I am afraid that too many of our modern day churches have lost their direction.  We have lost our clear vision of why we are here, to preach the Gospel.  Often times, it takes someone that you least expect to point us back in the right direction.  Kirk Cameron, former star of the ‘80’s sitcom Growing Pains and now a born again believer, recently spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.  I heard a pastor make mention of this quote the other day and thought I would share it with you.  I think there is a wealth of truth in it.  I am afraid that too many people are dying and going to hell from a church pew because we have stopped preaching the whole counsel of God.  Here is Kirk’s message:

Can I speak to you from my heart for a moment? I realize that, theologically, I’m not worthy to wash your socks. But imagine this scenario with me, if you will: Imagine I’m a “seeker”- I’m a non-Christian, sitting in your church week after week after week listening to you. Am I ever going to hear the message that will save my soul from Hell? Will you ever tell me the truth clearly enough so that I realize that my sin has made me an enemy of God: that I am currently on the path that leads to destruction, with the wrath of God dwelling upon me, and that unless I repent and put my faith in the Savior, I will perish? Or have you decided that it’s better to simply entertain me, and on Sundays I can come to have my “felt needs” met with good music and good advice? Pastor, while I would appreciate that, it’s the ultimate betrayal of my trust in you if you don’t tell me the truth. Will I ever hear the words “repent,” “surrender,” “turn to the Savior,” “be born again”? If you don’t tell me those things, how will I ever know to do it? Please don’t leave it up to the Wednesday night small-group leader. They’re taking their cues from you. You’re leading the flock.

And now I speak to you as a Christian. If you and I fail to teach the whole counsel of God, and we don’t warn sinners to flee from the wrath to come, and run to the love of Christ on the Cross to save their soul, we make a terrible mistake. It doesn’t matter how happy a person is- how much a sinner is enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season- without the righteousness of Christ, he’ll perish on the Day of Judgment. The Bible says, “Riches profit not on the Day of Wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.” You see, that’s how Kirk Cameron realized he needed a Savior. I had riches, but I knew that it was the righteousness of God that I needed in order to be saved from my sin.

How many people left church this past Sunday having been entertained and not exhorted?  How many churches had comedy but no conviction?  I think it is high time we placed our priorities in the right place again, on the preaching of the Word of God.  God’s Word will always get the job done.  As I prepare to plant a church, I need to hear this thought ringing through my mind, Preach the Word.

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