Thursday, August 03, 2006

Eighty Years and No Regrets

This morning I had the privilege of sharing a devotion with the senior citizen's group here in West Seneca, NY. As I was preaching, I was dealing with the topic of being satisfied with the Lord, and how He never lets us down. I was using the verses found in John 6:1-13 where Jesus fed the 5,000. The Bible makes mention of the fact that the people, the ones who came to Jesus hungry and without food, were filled, according to verse 12. I was using that to think about how Jesus satisfies. You know, the world has many things to pull our attention away. Many things that we turn to in an attempt to satisfy our inner longings. Some people may try to use alcohol or drugs, pornography or other lewd behaviours. Other folks use their morals and even religion to try and fill those inner longings. They all have one thing in common, they leave you feeling unsatisifed. The only way to satisfy that inner longing is through the Lord Jesus Christ. As I was preaching, I asked for a show of hands of people that had been saved 20 years, then 30, then 40, and so forth. We had one lady in attendace who had been saved 80 years! Wow. She told us that she was saved at the age of 9 and she was now 89 years old. I asked her if she had ever been disappointed that she had gotten saved. Of course, her response was never. I asked her if she had ever been disappointed in Jesus or if He had ever let her down? She said that in spite of the fact that she had failed Him a number of times, He had never failed her. I then told the people in attendance that she had said more in that testimony than I ever could and I proceeded to close my Bible and take my seat. Imagine, being saved for 80 years. What a great blessing and testimony. Isn't the Lord good? How about you today dear friend, have you trusted Him? What are you depending upon to satisfy your inner longings? Won't you please turn to Christ today?

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