Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Thank you Lord...

I want to thank the Lord for the great two nights He has given us during revival thus far. Dr. Haizlip has preached two tremendous messages that have helped me. I don't know about you, but sometimes it becomes easy for us to get mechanical in our Christian life. We are still doing good things and we are still busy serving the Lord, but it seems as if we do it out of habit and not a genuine love for the Lord. What a blessing revival meeting is to help us to get our focus and our affection back on the Lord and to be busy serving Him because of Him, not because of force or habit. I know that in my personal life, I deeply and sincerely desire the touch of an almighty God to help me with everything I do. I realize that nothing can or will be accomplished if I try to do it in my own might. Yet that is exactly what we attempt to do, do everything in our own might. It is all about Him. Yes, I am to stay busy and do all that I can for Christ, but ultimately, if anything gets accomplished, it is going to be because of Him and in spite of me. Thank you Lord for teaching me this great lesson.

Revival meeting has been good, but it can and will be better. I am seeking the Lord with an open heart and asking, no begging, for Him to do something great in my life and with my life. I need revival. If you are in the area, I invite you to come be with us at Canaan this week for revival meeting. If you are not in the area, would you please pray for this meeting? Would you pray that God would do something great in our church this week? Bro. Haizlip mentioned last night that he fears that the line has been drawn, that it is now time for either revival or ruin in America. I must say I agree. Dear friend, our country is in need of revival. It starts with one person, one family, one church, one community. Let's all do our part to pray for revival.

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