If you need any further proof that there is an all powerful God, look at this picture. Today, we had the chance to go to Niagara Falls. It is only about a thirty minute drive from where we are in New York. What an awesome sight. This was actually the second trip for Wendy and myself. Seth was quite amazed, as he kept talking about the water. We enjoyed it. If you have never seen it, Niagara Falls is an amazing sight. I do not understand how anyone can visit it and believe that it happened just by chance. You have to look at it and believe that it was created by an all mighty God. Only our God could create such a powerful, amazing sight. It is truly beautiful. As I watched the water flow over those edges, I was reminded of Dr. Eugene Goodman and an illustration he used to give concerning sin and the day of repentance. He would tell of a sign on the river flowing into Niagara Falls that stated it was the point of no return. Once you reached that point, there was no hope to be saved. Many people reach that same point in their lives. They reject the Lord, they reject the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and eventually, they reach a point in their lives in which they have passed the point of no return. Never again will the Lord deal with them concerning the salvation of their soul. Do not pass that point. If you have never trusted Christ as your Saviour, do so today, before you reach the point of no return.
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